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seam 2024 ufsm

III Simpósio Gaúcho de Engenharia Aeroespacial e Mecânica

seam ufsm



  • Abstracts should not exceed 400 words;

  • Abstracts must not include the authors' names, these being added only in the submission form;

  • It is essential to use the template available on this page.

Draft Papers

  • Draft Papers must be 5 to 10 pages long;

  • Draft Papers must not include the authors' names, which will only be added to the submission form;

  • It is necessary to submit the Draft Paper with the correct file name (know more about this rule);

  • It is essential to use the template available on this page.

Final Papers

  • For Final Papers, the presence of authorship information (such as names, emails and institutional affiliation) is required;

  • It is necessary to submit the Final Paper with the correct file name (know more about this rule);

  • It is essential to use the template available on this page.

Oficial Languages

  • English, Portuguese and Spanish are the official languages of the Symposium. Therefore, all written and spoken communications (such as abstracts, drafts, final papers, presentations, and others) must be in one of these languages. 

Submission Form

Paper Upload

Thank you for submitting our paper!

Although the submission form stays available all the time, papers will only be considered if they're sent before their deadline dates!

¹ Each presenter can present up to two works throughout the Symposium.

² The selected choice might change until the presentation day. 

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